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Introspection Inspiration


About Your Coach

While Life Coaching and Massage Therapy might seem divergent, I feel they are very interconnected. I chose these fields because I believe I can be of service to my clients through engaging their mind, body, and spirit. Whole self wellness is paramount to a content, happy, and well rounded existence. When we're our best in our relationships, we thrive. When we're in our best physical and mental health, we soar. Having a healthy being is all about balancing the social, career, romantic pairings, mind and body health together. Putting the necessary time in each category of your life to remain whole, progressive, and evolving into our best selves.

I became interested in Mental Health Wellness many years ago and read as much as I could about self improvement, eating regimens, exercise regimens, and specific things to deal with issues like depression, anxiety, and fear. Over the course of this time, I learned a great deal. But...I failed to put any of that into action. I couldn't understand my failure to improve my relationships, my physical health and my mental health. I was anxious of communicating with partners, I was depressed and fearful of ever moving an inch outside my comfort zone. And I drank like a fish!

But of course, nothing changed, because nothing changed! I didn't change the "inside" of me. I thought I needed to put into practice things with perfection. I certainly didn't think I deserved a reward or had much worth, unless I was perfect. You see where I am going here...until I changed and transformed my way of perceiving myself and the world, I would always fail to do what was necessary to improve my life.


Through therapy, coaching, support groups, lots of introspection, journaling and committing to baby steps rather than mountain-sized leaps I managed to apply many of the suggestions from my previous readings into my everyday life. Then a thing happened... I noticed that I felt good about myself, that I was happy for once! I couldn't believe it! All that inner work, taking small steps, letting go the desire for perfection and being okay with making mistakes and seeing them as learning opportunities finally improved my life is ways I didn't imagine were possible until they happened.

I ate well, exercised fives times a week without fail, meditated and prayed consistently. I healed my relationships with past lovers, friends, and family. And I developed interests again, fell in love with reading again, righted my financial ship and expanded my social circle. And I began to see myself as beautifully flawed person, capable of much and deserving of it all as long as I put in the effort. That's why I love and focus on Mental Health Wellness as a coaching specialization.

As for massage therapy, well...during this period of feeling like "more is yet to come", as if by inspiration I wanted to learn a body work modality. To literally heal with my hands, not just my coaching. And this experience has given me so much satisfaction. Being able to help people feel better immediately is a huge reward and I'm very happy I listened to my intuition when I jumped into massage school on impulse. It's helped me know so much about how the body impacts the mind and how the mind impacts the body. I am of greater benefit to my clients for this information.    

Lastly, I have the phrase "Introspection, Inspiration, Action" on my site and it's an important reminder for me to always look inward when I want to make a change. There are hundreds of things beyond my control, but my ability to reflect on my motives and desires will only help me move in the direction I want to go. Likewise with inspiration. Sometimes I'm not always clear on where to go or what to do, but with introspection, inspiration soon follows in step and I gain a path to follow to live out my dreams and the highest quality existence.


But without action, I go no where. More of the same and less reward. So after I've looked deep within, gotten inspirational motivation, it's time to move! And keep moving until my goals are achieved. And that's why I have this on my website. Look deep within, be inspired by what you find, and take action to reach your destination. It's as simple as that and that hard too.  


(An update after 2020: this ethos applies more than ever. To have a just, healthy, supportive, and thriving society; We need to look within. What is found is not always beautiful, sometimes it's dark and tainted. And yet still we rise, you see all of you and you commit to being your best self. Being your best self inspires others to try it too. Individual by individual, righteous act by righteous act, change and transformation for the better become inevitable, internally and in our daily lives at all levels.)

So it is through these experiences that I decided to share my life, empathy, reflections, and gentle guidance with others on how to find that richness and ability to say, "I am happy. I am fulfilled. I know where I want to go next," and mean it through and through.

Much love and positive vibes your way,


Santee Blakey,

Certified Life Coach

Licensed Massage Therapist

Healing Practioner

Here are some things to check out on the site!

Schedule an exploration session, free of charge, just to see if Life Coaching is right for you

Fill out your name and email, pick a time and you're all set! 45 minute session!


Check out The Soul Growth Wellness Blog for tips on wellness, mental health, physical health, and amazing relationships!


And for my Chicago family, look up my Massage Therapy page and book an appointment today! Relax and let go for a while!

Send me an email to ask any questions you have. Email.


Take a look around, I hope you find something of use on your journey of soul growth. Exploring, learning, living, and loving you always.

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